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Tour Diary / Schorndorf

48°44’32.2″N 09°07’04.5″E / 13.08.2021

A few months ago I came in contact with the band Zimmer90 on instagram. We love eachother’s music and thought about playing a concert together. Yesterday, we finally met in real life. The band came into the venue before the show and we hugged as if we’ve been friends for years. The ‘Club Manufaktur’, where we played at, is a historical venue that already hosted a concert for Black Sabath in 1969. After our concerts we’ve been invited by Michi (the Drummer of Zimmer90) to sleep at his parents weekend place. Toby, Julia, Morlin and I thought of a little garden in the city but it turned out to be an insanely quiet and beautiful piece of nature on a hill in the middle of Stuttgart. We spent the whole night together with the boys from Zimmer90 and some of their friends. Michi, who is a professional cook, made the best sweet potatoes on the open fire that we’ve been eating so far. Toby, Michi, Finn and I slept in a site trailer on the field and woke up with the sun shining through the trees on us. I think this is the beginning of a beautiful band friendship.

Friday Night

© photos and videos by Julia Preiß, Tobewhy and Marcel Heym

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