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Quarantine days with Finn

Hey Diary,

So, Finn (my roomie) and I got hit with COVID-19 this week. Not the best timing, but we made the most of it. Instead of dwelling on the symptoms, I decided to dive into something positive.

In those seven days of quarantine, I managed to whip up seven new songs. It was a spontaneous burst of creativity that just happened. Finn, although not musically inclined, was an awesome companion during this time. We sipped tea, shared laughs, and he even took a cool pic for the cover artwork.

The songs, now compiled into a tape, feel like a snapshot of this unexpected chapter. It was refreshing to create without overthinking, and even more so with a friend around. The whole process became a welcome distraction from the whole COVID situation.

This tape is a reminder that good things can come from the weirdest situations. Now, as we both recover, I’m grateful for the unexpected inspiration that came out of our quarantine tea sessions.

Until next time,

released independently with the help of my friends❤️

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